Forget The Jargon

Select our Easy-View Option below to watch a short clip summarising your pension options.


Under the new pension freedoms, you can mix and match the options below, however not all pension schemes/providers offer every option listed.


The Options Available | Freedom & Choice

~ Delay taking your pension benefits - allowing your fund to grow tax-free ~
~ Use your pension fund to provide a flexible income during your retirement ~
~ Use your pension fund to purchase a guaranteed income for life ~
~ Withdraw small cash amounts from your pension fund ~
~ Withdraw your whole pension fund in one transaction ~
~ Create a variation of the above options to suit your circumstances ~

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Case Study |  Income Drawdown

Carol, 63, is approaching retirement and considering pension drawdown. Carol has a Self Invested Personal Pension worth £500,000 and no other retirement savings. Before she retires she is keen to pay off the final £50,000 of her mortgage.

Weighing Up Your Options   |   3 Pension Options In 3 Minutes

This short clip summarises pension drawdown, encashment and purchasing an annuity.

pension wise logo.jpgIMPORTANT INFORMATION

Pension Guidance
Automatic Enrolment for Employees

Automatic Enrolment for Employees

A workplace pension is a way of saving for retirement arranged by an individual’s employer. It is sometimes called a ‘company pension’, an ‘occupational pension’ or a ‘works pension’. Automatic enrolment into a workplace pension is an easy, hassle-free way for workers to save for their retirement while they are earning.

Automatic Enrolment for Employers

Automatic Enrolment for Employers

The government has introduced a new law designed to help people save more for their retirement. It requires all employers to enrol eligible workers into a workplace pension scheme if they are not already in one.

How Personal Pensions work

How Personal Pensions work

The fundamental idea of a personal pension plan is simple. You put money into a savings fund and it hopefully grows in value. At retirement, you have several options which are usually designed to replace some (or all) of your employment income.

Income Drawdown

Income Drawdown

Annuities are historically the most popular option in retirement, with a great many looking for the security that they provide. However, it's unlikely that they will continue to account for as high a proportion of retirement income products as they have in the past. This document will explain further.

Pensions & Divorce

Pensions & Divorce

With pensions being most people’s second-largest asset, they can become a major consideration in any divorce settlement.

The Value of Retirement Planning

The Value of Retirement Planning

We all know it’s important to plan for retirement, but many of us are still not planning well enough. Despite all the media headlines and Government initiatives, many of us still have a ‘tomorrow will do’ attitude. This is worrying for one simple reason – we are going to live longer than most of us think. This article explains further.

What is a Personal Pension?

What is a Personal Pension?

Personal pensions may be suitable if you are self-employed, if you are not working but can afford to put aside money for retirement, or even in addition to a company pension.

Your Retirement Options and Pensions Freedom

Your Retirement Options and Pensions Freedom

On 6 April 2015 new pension rules came into force, giving you much greater flexibility over how you use your money purchase pension savings and the options you have in retirement.